Monday, August 30, 2010

I Hate This Weather

And its even worse now, nearly pitch out there.  This old lady is aching all over. Not only is my knee hurting, which is normal with how shitty this weather is, but my back is giving me issues as well. . . just general ache and pain in all the problem areas.

I'm just waiting for the manhole cover out front to start dancing with how bad the weather is.  Everything is just one giant ache. . . and all i want to do is crawl into bed with my BF and snuggle the day away, and take a nice long bath too. . . 

Ohhh.... bath. . . sounds soo nice.  Wish we had one of those HUGE roman style tubs that i can just fill with hot water and float and paddle around in.

Something like that would be really nice to come home to with a few candles burning and scented water and and and. . . 

Gah keep dreaming girl, you know that the only time you get to lounge in one of those things if you're lucky is at a nice hotel where you got upgraded cuz the room was too shitty.  A nice house with some fantastic rooms and views. . . just a pipe dream for me. . . . What can ya do . . .

Oh well gotta get to work . . .

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Solo Video Critique

One thing that is also hard to do?  Writing up the choreography.

Oh mah geebus its hard (pervs reading this resist the pun), 
especially when i'm not one to learn from and be able to follow a write up.

I follow the choreography that's set to me and taught and repeated over and over and over again.  It's why i'm a lot more comfortable in a group performance because someone else is not only doing the choreography but also fixing mistakes.  I am not a lazy person when it comes to dance.  My mother can tell anyone that she has seen me practicing with partners and I've gone to meet up with a fellow 'sister' to practice and learn dances that i have missed.

It's just that i'm more of a DOING person than a reading person when it comes to choreography.  If I had the skill to piece together the bits and pieces that I have so far with the two videos that are complete and then add in the suggestions that Kristal gave me from her ideas.  Which are some things that i know i can do because they are easy and hell... i sometimes do a Mayan walk in the office, most of the time not even knowing about it.

I want to keep the turns in at the end, just have to work on getting that final turn to be as sharp and Zoe Jakes-esque as possible since i've already got ideas of head turns and accents to use. . . 

This will be one hell of a process, but it'll be so worth it!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Video Blog Backdated August 17, 2010

Here are the first two videos and my personal critique of all 3 videos from my first attempt at choreography for my solo to debute at Raks Habibi IV

And my dear friend and sister in dance Kristal was able to give me pointers last night as to what else i could do. She was afraid that i would get offended and i told her that i welcomed suggestions because i am still VERY lost as to how to do the choreography for this dance.

She had some great ideas and i will hopefully be able to implement them into my next attempt at choreo.

Solo Teaser

Soo.. yeah.. finally was able to get one single stinkin video to upload on my photobucket account. . . 

and it's the one where my bloody camera batteries DIE and i dont capture the one part of the choreo that i actually felt GOOD doing... now that i cant remember the steps...

*mutter grumble* Grr...


Here is the video that i have uploaded so far. . . 

Feel free to critique, i know it sucks but it's still in its early stages. . . 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Florida Weather

I love my home state, but dammit if this weather sucks.

My hips ache, which is pulling my sciatic nerve on BOTH sides of my body, which in turn is pulling thru my hips and down my legs.

Also doesnt help that i cant find my meds and i'm suffering withdrawal from THAT, which makes me increasingly irritated and when things start piling up like they have been in the past hour or so. . . i get VERY cranky and irritated.

So i'm going to try to burry myself into work and distractions so i can ignore the symptoms and the flaming idiots and finish out my last hour and a half in peace...


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Solo Progress

Finally was able to start working on the solo tonight.  I think any solo entry will be a V-LOG only because its easier that way.

So just watch this space for more!

Monday, August 16, 2010

First Post


Okay this blog will be for the more.... mundane side of my life. Basically things having to do with family, my friends, my love life, dance and my eventual tattoo will all go here.

Just as a fair warning, i jump from topic to topic then back again fairly quickly and suddenly so you may want to take your time reading this.


SOO hungry right now, its not even funny.  David's supposed to be coming by after work and we're going to go to Wendy's to eat since I've got cash on me and money's tight so cheap works best.

Saturday was a bitch. Woke up at about 830-9 am because i was supposed to go to dance practice at 11 am.  While i'm talking to David he starts flipping out over his facebook account that he suddenly cant get into and all of his pages are deleted, and all of a sudden i cant see my own boyfriend's account.  He has an idea of who it could be only because she's just that vindictive.  Needless to say I stayed with David while he was essentially wigging out, and missed the practice.  But I did not want to leave him, and knew that i could help calm him down; because he'd do the same thing for me.  Finally when things are calmer and damage control is done to the best of our collective ability, I left to go get ready for a performance later that night. Which was a blast though the venue was too small and our troupe was kinda ignored... kinda.. *shrugs* no matter.  Afterwards Nicole David and i went to TGI Fridays for dinner.  I got a few strange looks since i didnt really bring anything to change into after the performance, but then again i dont really give a shit.  We had so much fun talking and eating and throwing paper balls made from our straw wrappers at each other.  I hope to see her again soon, she's a great friend.

Sunday i had the morning to sleep in and David came over after work at about one to pick me up so that we could go to his place before going to the Tattoo Expo that was just down the street from where he lived.  We wandered the show and saw critters and a lot of tattoo artists and tattooed bodies.  Actually found  the PERFECT realistic rose, and I like the artist as well.  He's personable, has great customer service skills, put both myself and David at ease and cared about what could be HIS work since he gave both myself and David ideas as to how to improve and perfect our respective tattoo ideas.  Needless to say i think the both of us will be going to him when the time comes for us to get our tattoos.  After we went back home to his place and chilled out, knocking back a Smirnoff raspberry blast each and having some yummy dinner.

So yeah that was my weekend.