Come and watch us all dance, and see me perform my first EVER solo!
So i've got my intro of my solo smoothed out and damn near perfect already with help by the AWESOME Crystal Eve (shut up you are!), and need to cut a minute from the song itself, which i think i know where i'm going to do it. Just have to get it cut and listen to it and see how it works. I know it will, and will make for a powerful ending. I feel the power as i practice, and Crystal and Darlene's helpful words and encouragement last night made me a little more confidant, no matter how embarrassed/shy i felt/acted.
As for my costume.. i already have the pants i want to wear, though i dont know if i want to sparkle them up or not. They HAVE to be hemmed, that i know for sure. They need at least two inches off... (sucks being short).
Ocular Bindi By Amy Danielson of The Gypsy Kiss
I have at least two different options. I can keep it really simple and just wear my black choli gypsy top, occular bindi the choker i bought at spirit '10, find/buy/make a dance belt, though i want to be able to still have the chiffon panels of the pants to show... so maybe something like the photo below...
My second option which was my original idea, was getting a corset vest top, and a cropped peasant top with long sleeves. Keep the choker and the ocular bindi of course, maybe have it be a black vest, then a burgundy/wine peasant top.
Haire and make up.. gah.. dont get me started... i cant even think about that cuz of how cranky my hair is. Maybe a rose or two on the right side to offset the bindi.. i dot know yet.. will see what happens.
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